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Корбар:DanielPenfield/Infobox control chart

Мавод аз Википедиа — донишномаи озод

Infobox for control charts.


Copy-paste this empty template. Explanations of the parameters is given below

{{Infobox control chart
| name =                      
| proposer =                  
<!-----Process observations----->
| subgroupsize =              
| measurementtype =           
| qualitycharacteristictype = 
| distribution =              
| sizeofshift =               
| arl =                       
<!---Process variation chart--->
| varchart =                  
| varcenter =                 
| varupperlimit =             
| varlowerlimit =             
| varstatistic =              
<!------Process mean chart------>
| meanchart =                 
| meancenter =                
| meanlimits =                
| meanupperlimit =                
| meanlowerlimit =                
| meanstatistic =             

Parameter descriptions

Parameter Required? Default value Conditional upon Description
name No {{PAGENAME}} None The name of the chart
proposer No None None The person who originally proposed the chart
subgroupsize Yes None None The size of the rational subgroup being monitored
measurementtype Yes None None What is being measured (quality characteristic directly, proportion, count, etc.)
qualitycharacteristictype Yes None None Attributes or variables data
distribution Yes None None Probability distribution of the quality characteristic
sizeofshift No None None Minimum size of the shift in the quality characteristic that the chart can detect
arl No None None Average run length
varchart No None None Image file depicting control chart for variability
varcenter No None None How to compute the variability control chart center line
varupperlimit No None None How to compute the variability control chart upper limit
varlowerlimit No None None How to compute the variability control chart lower limit
varstatistic No None None How to compute the individual points on the variability control chart
meanchart No None None Image file depicting control chart for the mean
meancenter No None None How to compute the mean control chart center line
meanlimits No None None How to compute the mean control chart limits (if limits are symmetric)
meanupperlimit No None !{{meanlimits}} How to compute the mean control chart upper limit (if limits are asymmetric)
meanlowerlimit No None !{{meanlimits}} How to compute the mean control chart lower limit (if limits are asymmetric)
meanstatistic No None None How to compute the individual points on the mean control chart


{{User:DanielPenfield/Infobox control chart
| name =            np-chart
| proposer =        [[Walter A. Shewhart]]
| subgroupsize =    n > 1
| measurementtype = Fraction nonconforming per unit
| qualitycharacteristictype = Attributes data
| distribution =    [[Binomial distribution]]
| sizeofshift =     ≥ 1.5σ
| arl =             Unknown
| meanchart =       Np control chart.svg
| meancenter =      <math>n \bar p = \frac {\sum_{i=1}^m \sum_{j=1}^n \begin{cases} 1 & \mbox{if }x_{ij}\mbox{ defective} \\ 0 & \mbox{otherwise} \end{cases}}{m}</math>
| meanlimits =      <math>n \bar p \pm 3\sqrt{n \bar p(1- \bar p)}</math>
| meanstatistic =   <math>n \bar p_i = \sum_{j=1}^n \begin{cases} 1 & \mbox{if }x_{ij}\mbox{ defective} \\ 0 & \mbox{otherwise} \end{cases}</math>